Tag Archives: stop

When they won’t cooperate..

Our 5 y/o was to be a lion in a play today by wearing a costume and behaving like a lion. When we arrived, he refused to get dressed, and said he thought it was “dumb”. We discussed his inappropriate behavior and choice of words. He apologized, but he just didn’t want to have strangers looking at him doing something that he really didn’t even want to be doing. So, we sat there watching the other kids act out the play. I decided this was an issue that I just wasn’t going to make an issue. I hope the decision was a wise one. The future will tell..







Sometimes you just gotta call it a day

I had one of those days where my academic “checklist” for the kids did not get completed. We had so many interruptions including the guys who were acid washing the pool-an interesting site to see for the kids, though. One nice thing about homeschooling is that you can adjust to changes in your schedule fairly easily. That being said, it somewhat causes me stress when adjustments must be made.
Fighting a nasty head-cold so going to bed early (10:00). This is not typical for me, but I need to stop for the night. Uggh.. So many other things I need to be doing. One of the beauties about being a doctor is I can diagnose and treat myself:)




