Tag Archives: the master’s


I’ve been a bit delayed on posting. The past few hours have been spent working on the house and then working to get packed up and back home. We drove 11 hours straight through and returned home around 3 A.M. The day started quickly with activities. It’s now after midnight, and I haven’t even unpacked one bag. I did, however, get to listen to my girlfriend’s friend tonight tell me about her daughter. Her daughter has been accepted into a master’s program for international studies into some of the most prestigious universities in the country including Harvard. This young woman has spent the last years in various African countries helping the impoverished and abused, and her stories are inspiring. I won’t go into too much detail, but it makes me ask myself what am I really contributing to society, to those in need. I know that I have a full time 24/7 job caring for my own family, but am I doing enough, really? Oh, my mind is racing….






Today was full of working on house projects. The kids rode their bikes and made a quick trip to the beach, but I also had them pulling weeds out of the beds. This was after they wrote a page in their journal. They weren’t thrilled with my requests, but too bad. I want them to know the value of hard work. I’m not a fan of being lazy or complaining, so they are not allowed to complain. I’m constantly reminding them to be grateful for what they have.
Well, it’s just after midnight, and I’m exhausted. Those projects of staining the deck, pulling weeds, trimming palm trees, and cleaning out cabinets have exhausted me, so I need to close my eyes for a bit.
Interesting article on LeHigh Admissions process:





Destination unknown

My husband and I are touring the countryside as they say for the next couple of days. We spent 7 hours in the car today looking at areas and properties. Not sure that we’ll fall in love with anything, but we very much enjoy some time away thanks to the grandparents’ coverage of the kids. I did leave a few math and reading pages for each kid, but last time I checked they were drinking hot chocolate and watching a Legos movie. They always have fun with grandparents, and they should.
More to think about..





No alarm or agenda! We could use the break.
