Tag Archives: the neighborhood playhouse

Rosh Hashana

Today, Rosh Hashana was observed, so many of our local schools were closed. It’s always a bit tempting to me to follow our local school schedules at home. It’s never easy trying to teach my kids when the neighborhood kids are outside playing. So, we took the day off as well. Truthfully though, the real reason I didn’t teach was because my oldest son had an appointment with an acting coach in Philadelphia. The appointment was in the middle of the day, and by the time I had to factor in driving and such, it was somewhat pointless to try to hold academics. The drama/acting world is a new scenario for us. My oldest son has shown an interest in the craft, so we’ve been using different opportunities to expose him to see what may (or may not) spark. Exposure to many different things has always been a goal of mine for my kids. Hopefully doing so will help them and me make wise choices for their future.
The rest of the day was filled with gymnastics, soccer, and a gym class for me. I can tell my abs have been on summer break! Dinner was take-out from our local grocery store deli. I’m a sucker for that kind of food.
I did receive a letter in the mail today from the “National Society For the Gifted and Talented” based in Stamford, CT. The letter stated that my eldest had been accepted into this organization. I had sent in his Iowa test scores a short while back along with a check. The reason I did this was simply to learn more about opportunities and programs for my children that otherwise might know. I’m not privi to this type of knowledge like a public or private school would be. Hoping I get some benefit from spending our money on this.
Tomorrow-academics, robotics, soccer. I’ve got to get back to work with my little guys in Junior FLL. We are hoping to participate in some local exhibitions over the fall and winter semesters.





