Tag Archives: Tomie dePaola

Tomie dePaola

We began our Christmas shopping today. No, I’m not kidding. It’s 3 days before Santa arrives, so we are in crunch mode. My husband took the kids shopping this evening while I made a grocery run. We’ve just become the type of people that seem to be last minute with everything, pushing the envelope I guess. I don’t think it’s on purpose, though. It just seems to be the way we are wired. Consumed would be a better way to say it. I noticed tonight driving to the grocery store that I had almost no gas in the fuel tank. Oops. That would have driven my father nutty.
What is the obsession with massagers around the holidays? I don’t understand. Do people really buy these types of products? I never see them except during Christmas. It’s as if all of a sudden people feel the need to soak their feet in warm bubbles?
A fun thing today-my oldest son received a note from Tomie dePaola, noted children’s author. He had written Mr. dePaola a letter about 2 or so years ago after he had read one of Mr. dePaola’s books. We just received his letter today. Honestly, we had forgotten all about it. Mr. dePaola’s note was kind even though he was belated on responding. I imagine he receives many letters from children.
Anybody watch SNL tonight? Soooo funny.

I should order our Christmas cards now-ugh..




