Tag Archives: used

Selling on Amazon

I am completely redoing our schoolroom now that summer is upon us. With that project comes getting organized and getting rid of what I don’t need.
I was on a few websites tonight that let you sell your used homeschooling books. However, Amazon also provides an avenue to do this, so I’m thinking I may give this a go. I have sooooo many books that I don’t use. When you first start out on your homeschooling adventure, you tend to overbuy because there is so much material being sold out there. You don’t know what you’ll like and what you won’t like, so it’s very tempting to want it all. Now that I’m completing my fourth year of teaching at home, I’ve found that Calvert is a good fit for our family which means I don’t need so many of these books I’ve bought over the years.
I will see if I have success with Amazon. Can’t hurt to try..
