Tag Archives: zen

Your wiring

It’s interesting how different people are. You can see it in your own children, for example. When I teach one of my sons, I must teach him in short bursts and sit beside him to keep him focused. With another son, I can teach him the lesson, give him his assigned pages to complete, and he will return in a short amount of time with all of the problems completed. Their differences lie in the way they are wired. One wiring is no better than the other. Their hard-drives are just different.
So, along those lines, I spent the afternoon and into the evening working around the house, because it was a mess. Recognizing how I’m wired, I knew I had to get organized and de-clutter some things in the kid’s rooms. There’s only so long I can work in a disorganized and messy house. I need order. It affects my mood which affects my teaching.
I went through all of the children’s closets, so that everyone had the correct sizes and appropriate seasonal apparel. I also cleaned bathrooms, worked on the laundry, unpacked bags from the car, etc. The kids did assist upon my request at times, but sometimes I just prefer to work alone. It’s quieter and faster.
Tomorrow comes quickly. Clothes are already picked out for tomorrow, and soccer backpacks are in place for the big afternoon games.
Sidenote-I’ve been researching the program “Better Chinese”. It’s a top pick by Cathy Duffy, and the site has an app you can buy for around $35.00


