Daily Archives: May 18th, 2012

Maroon Five! Let’s do this!

Can’t wait for the big show in AC tomorrow evening with hubby and BFF friends. Went speed shopping this evening to find something new to wear. The ladies at “Lucky” were trying to dress me. I felt like a cross between a cowgirl and an Indian princess with what they were wanting me to wear-so not my taste. I’m more of a Lily girl. I did venture out though and tried something new.
Here’s to good food and good music and getting a break from the organized chaos!


Our preschool years end

Today was “Z day” for our 4 y/o son which means we are nearing the end of our preschool years! It seems monumental, because it feels like I’ve been taking kids to preschool for a very long time. It’s a chapter in our lives that will close forever. Maybe I will be sad. Maybe I won’t. I’m so excited about the years to come with these people who’ve completely disrupted my life that I’m not so sure that I’ll be sad.
