Daily Archives: August 27th, 2012

Vacation ends. Here we go. Should I keep the long summer break?

We made it back home from vacation after driving all night. It has been a mad rush of activities all weekend, so it’s the usual business of I haven’t even finished unpacking yet.
I’m getting the classroom organized and am really excited to see what the kids will be learning this year. I plan to use this week to help ease the kids and myself back into an academic mode. I’m questioning whether I’ll keep a traditional school calendar in the future.  I was reading some on the history of the school year recently.  In the past, schools took a break so that the children could help farm and work out in the fields.  Well, my kids aren’t helping to run a farm, so I’m debating the value of a long summer break.  Yes, I need a break for sanity, but it may simply backfire on me as we begin our start-up.  Something else to ponder. Well, it’s after midnight-let’s have a cup of coffee..

BTW-crazy summer sales going on right now-getting some shopping done before my free time gets consumed for the fall.



