Tag Archives: big think

Big Think on sleep deprivation

I’ve been talking to a former homeschooling girlfriend of mine about the importance of rest and so forth. Below is an article found in today’s Big Think newsletter:


I’m not sure I buy into all that they’re saying. I’m not generally a depressed person although I can feel my anxiety levels rise at times because of academics. I don’t urinate more from sleeping less, and I believe I eat pretty healthy. Appearance-looking sad or tired. Now, that one I can believe for me, but is that related to sleep deprivation or aging? I can sleep for a normal time frame and my face still looks the same when I wake up. My solution to that problem-eyelift! Yep, saving up for that one since I can’t seem to bite off on the botox ride.

Well, enough of my morning sharings…Work to do around the house!

How your income will affect your children’s future

Interesting article from “Big Think” today..


Looks like a government proposal is quality preschool programs for many.  This is not the answer.  The answer is change the home environment, and that’s way beyond what the government and tax-payers’ money can handle.  It’s much deeper than that, so their efforts, again, will be a waste of time and resources.

Today’s nutty schedule: lots of math and core stuff/computers. Last minute Phillies’ game compliments of neighbor’s free tickets. Extra-curriculars in afternoon, math at 9:00 p.m. for older boys, and watching “The Secret Garden” at 10:30 p.m.









Internet Cold War

Good read today on Big Think’s website. If you don’t already subscribe to their feed, I encourage you to do so.  Much to think about in the below article for ourselves and future generations..


Suicide at 26 for downloading library books?



I catch up on world events and happenings at night after the kids go to bed.  Tonight, this article caught my attention.

Interesting, sad, outrageous, and depressing to read..


Ray Kurzweil-going against the classical method of education?

Ran across this article below as I was reading through an email from “Big Think”.  Ray Kurzweil founded Singularity University, a pricey think tank of sorts for graduate students and CEOs who come together to use technology to impact human issues.

I would deduce from what I’ve read that Mr. Kurzweil would go against the classical model of education, a model which I gravitate towards and try to implement at home.  The classical model would say that children have to have the mental pegs in place before they can become “critical thinkers”.  He argues that advancing technology will provide the database so teaching memorization of facts will become trivial (if I understood the article correctly). I may need to revamp the way I’m thinking in our home studies!


Google's new director of engineering, famed futurist Ray Kurzweil.

Alternative universes! Look kids, this is why we are talking about electrons today!


We have been studying the atomic model in our local co-op class. Can’t wait to discuss this topic with them about a single electron being in 2 places at the same time.
Does anybody watch “Fringe”? Hubby and I love that show.

Must go tackle laundry! It has exploded again!!!








Vacation ends. Here we go. Should I keep the long summer break?

We made it back home from vacation after driving all night. It has been a mad rush of activities all weekend, so it’s the usual business of I haven’t even finished unpacking yet.
I’m getting the classroom organized and am really excited to see what the kids will be learning this year. I plan to use this week to help ease the kids and myself back into an academic mode. I’m questioning whether I’ll keep a traditional school calendar in the future.  I was reading some on the history of the school year recently.  In the past, schools took a break so that the children could help farm and work out in the fields.  Well, my kids aren’t helping to run a farm, so I’m debating the value of a long summer break.  Yes, I need a break for sanity, but it may simply backfire on me as we begin our start-up.  Something else to ponder. Well, it’s after midnight-let’s have a cup of coffee..

BTW-crazy summer sales going on right now-getting some shopping done before my free time gets consumed for the fall.





Starting the day off with a flat tire

This is how my morning began…



So I’m sitting on the side of the road waiting for what sounds like an eighteen year old to come change my tire. No, I’m not going to attempt it..
While I wait, I’ve got my thoughts on the upcoming fall semester and studies both at home and in our homeschool cooperative. We are having to make some sort-of last minute changes to teacher positions in our co-op so I’m working on that. I was told during my years as a USAF flight doc that a key to airpower is flexibility. Goodness knows, it’s certainly wise to be flexible while homeschooling. Minimizes the stress level.
I hope my little helper comes soon to change my tire. I’m starving!

How will technology change the traditional model of education?

Cyberspace is changing the how, when, and where of education for our kids.  The alteration will undoubtedly revise the traditional model of education, possibly even the existence of universities and teachers as how we knew them when we were growing up.  For homeschoolers, the development is an exciting one because it offers an endless array of possibilities for our kids in what they’re exposed to.  I’m constantly monitoring the trend to see how this will affect us in our home studies.  Who knows what this will look like 10 years from now?



