Encouraging reading while on vacation

We have enjoyed our trip over the holidays being with friends and family, and I’ve enjoyed the break from teaching our daily academics. However, most homeschoolers know that you don’t really ever stop teaching, and if you’re good, you’ll try to use any life experience as a teaching tool. Maybe that experience will trigger an interest in something that they would have never known otherwise. My kids have done and seen several new things this week while being with family. I don’t know if the experiences fostered a new course of learning for them. Sometimes it’s just beneficial to have fun as a kid and enjoy your loved ones. That being said, now that the cousins have gone back home, I’ve encouraged my crew to get back into reading. The older boys were up at midnight enjoying a good book. Tomorrow, they will be writing several thank-you notes as well as working on some school projects before we return home. My oldest is presenting on Thomas Edison next week so there is much to learn and do before then. I just found a free book to download on Edison-love to save on books! Well, it’s 1a.m. as usual. I’ll be up for a while reading a bit on Edison myself. I try to learn with my children as they are learning new things.








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