Robots to take our jobs

Good read below from Wired magazine.

As a homeschooler,I’m trying to find ways to best expose my children to the technological revolution that’s exploding around us.  They will need to be quite knowledgeable in this area to be able to compete in their future workplace. I haven’t figured out how best to do that so more to follow…


“This is not a race against the machines. If we race against them, we lose. This is a race with the machines. You’ll be paid in the future based on how well you work with robots. Ninety percent of your coworkers will be unseen machines. Most of what you do will not be possible without them. And there will be a blurry line between what you do and what they do. You might no longer think of it as a job, at least at first, because anything that seems like drudgery will be done by robots.

We need to let robots take over. They will do jobs we have been doing, and do them much better than we can. They will do jobs we can’t do at all. They will do jobs we never imagined even needed to be done. And they will help us discover new jobs for ourselves, new tasks that expand who we are. They will let us focus on becoming more human than we were.

Let the robots take the jobs, and let them help us dream up new work that matters.”  

words of Kevin Kelly

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