Appendicitis? I don’t have that built into my schedule.

I had a brief moment just recently where I thought our oldest son might be having an appendicitis. Sometimes, in these life circumstances, it helps that I’m a former physician, and sometimes it doesn’t because my mind can run wild with weird medical diagnoses. Turns out, thankfully, he was fine, but I had thought about how that would change what I had planned in our academic schedule. Almost everything seems to revolve around homeschooling, even medical emergencies. I guess I could have kept teaching him in the hospital if we’d had to have surgery-ha! I’m only kidding, well kind of:)








2 responses

  1. Learning takes place everywhere, even in the hospital. Eg. you could make it a career training session where he gets a chance to ask the providers questions about their respective professions, etc. I see learning by video and audio. “Hey, doc, how does this machine really work?” I could go on. really. I could. And if you are also into scrapbooking…….

    1. So true, but there’s no time for scrapbooking for me. I’m thrilled if I can remove pictures off of my camera and get a shower..

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