Daily Archives: February 20th, 2013

Cyber Cold War with China

I’ve still got computer science education on the brain for my kids.  Not sure why, but I am persistently feeling like I need to educate myself and them much more extensively than what we are doing at home.  So, in my standard google search, I ran across this website:


I may have mentioned before that I’m hoping to get my kids together with a couple of friends to delve into the computer world a bit more, learning basic coding skills, etc.  I want my kids to know how to design the video games, not just play the video games.  This is key here.

Also, in my google search, look at the article I ran across:


Is it us against China or do they own us already?

Best to bump up the education and not be a puppet as far as I’m concerned.  Do I sound paranoid?  Possibly, but those feelings may be warranted.

On a lighter note, I treated myself to a McDonald’s caramel sundae with nuts tonight.  I call it my mommy treat.  This was after I did some class at the gym called “piloxing”-decent workout..

Off to prep for what lies ahead!


sweetheart handstand