Daily Archives: May 12th, 2013

Happy mother’s Day to you

We’ve had our usual activities this weekend. Thrown in the mix is Mother’s Day. Neither of our mothers live close to us, so it’s bittersweet to only be able to celebrate by sending gifts and not enjoying the day in person.
I actually bought my own cake today. One of my sons wanted to make the cake but changed his mind when he saw the store-bought version. He also wanted to buy flowers, but I talked him into buying annuals for the children’s garden in our backyard. Tomorrow, we hope to work in the garden cleaning out the weeds and planting the new flowers.
This evening was a rare event for me as I was able to shop for myself. My husband had asked me what I wanted and really, I just wanted some me-time to look at clothes and shoes. That wish wasn’t really granted, however, because my daughter wanted to go with me. You can imagine how that went. She brought home more items than I did. The funny thing is she seems to really have an eye for fashion, unlike myself. Not to mention shopping for clothing is so frustrating for me because I’m petite and rarely do they make anything that fits correctly. Needless to say, my selfish mommy moment was overshadowed by my young fashionista, but that’s really how the mommy life is. Complete self-absorption flew out the window the moment the first child came into being. I will rest on the fact that that’s a good thing, though. My rare shopping event tonight was priceless watching my daughter carefully select things for she and myself. Mommy memories…






