Daily Archives: May 31st, 2013

The uniform

My dress of the day is quite boring. I wear the same thing basically everyday. An old, comfy t-shirt for starters. Two of my favorites are a Harvard t-shirt that has a hole in it, and a t-shirt from Martha’s Vineyard that feels like a pajama top. My pants are always black and usually a yoga-type style. Athletic socks and a raggedy pair of slippers top the outfit off. Isn’t that glamorous? And I hate wearing bras at home! I’m not trying to be vulgar here, but they make me feel like I’m wearing a diaper on my chest-so uncomfortable. I do keep myself covered up though so as not to scare the kids! Guess there’s something to be said for not having to think about what you wear everyday.
I ordered a copy of “Waiting for Superman” today from the library. I’m almost embarrassed to say I still haven’t seen this movie, and watching it is on my to-do list.
Our summer trips, jobs, community service, and camps are consuming my thoughts, at present. While I think it’s wonderful for children to experience different and new things over the summer, I also love the idea of them starting to think about how to make and save money while maybe giving back to the community. More to ponder…
Off to clean a very dirty kitchen and read for a bit. I could have asked the kids to clean before they went to bed, but it’s nice for a short burst of quiet, too.










