Tag Archives: nest egg

The uniform

My dress of the day is quite boring. I wear the same thing basically everyday. An old, comfy t-shirt for starters. Two of my favorites are a Harvard t-shirt that has a hole in it, and a t-shirt from Martha’s Vineyard that feels like a pajama top. My pants are always black and usually a yoga-type style. Athletic socks and a raggedy pair of slippers top the outfit off. Isn’t that glamorous? And I hate wearing bras at home! I’m not trying to be vulgar here, but they make me feel like I’m wearing a diaper on my chest-so uncomfortable. I do keep myself covered up though so as not to scare the kids! Guess there’s something to be said for not having to think about what you wear everyday.
I ordered a copy of “Waiting for Superman” today from the library. I’m almost embarrassed to say I still haven’t seen this movie, and watching it is on my to-do list.
Our summer trips, jobs, community service, and camps are consuming my thoughts, at present. While I think it’s wonderful for children to experience different and new things over the summer, I also love the idea of them starting to think about how to make and save money while maybe giving back to the community. More to ponder…
Off to clean a very dirty kitchen and read for a bit. I could have asked the kids to clean before they went to bed, but it’s nice for a short burst of quiet, too.












Couldn’t make it up if I tried

My husband and I just returned from an exhausting trip, part leisure-part business to Florida. We left the crew home with grandparents because of the time crunch factor. I left no lesson plans nor any outside schoolwork for them. My mother-in-law (a former fifth grade teacher) had free reign over their time. She took them to the library, played games with them, and read books. I chalked these days up to free play and important family time. Of course, mommy is now back, so academics will begin again, tomorrow.
This trip was not restful for us. We went down to the Orlando area with an agenda of potentially investing, so we were in fast-track mode with only having a few days to spend. It went something like this:

Monday-sat in the airport for 9 hours until we finally got on a flight (flying space-A), arrived to hotel around midnight after getting very little sleep the night before.
Tuesday/Wednesday-drove around to various locations looking at properties with our realtor. Let me just add that our realtor is quite an act. I think I laughed more at her than anything else on the trip. Our first encounter with her was when we picked her up on the side of the interstate because her Jaguar had broken down. Realtors always crack me up at what they say. In the midst of our madness, back home my father-in-law had to go to the emergency room for what turned out to be a kidney stone, and my girlfriend had to watch the kids until midnight-never a dull moment. Sadly, we didn’t get to enjoy the typical attractions of Disney and Universal. I’m a sucker for that stuff. We visited Downtown Disney one evening, but that was it. We did have the pleasure of meeting another realtor visiting from Toronto. I quizzed him on the Canadian universities while at dinner. He compared their top universities to our Ivy schools saying their schools are just as good but are less in price. I’ll be calling him for a place to stay when we take the kids to visit Niagra Falls.
Thursday-we were scheduled to fly out, but that didn’t go so smoothly. We waited around for what seemed like forever for flights to go. I actually did Pilates in the corner of the airport to kill the time. All flights out of Tampa and Orlando were cancelled because of weather, so we rented a car and drove 18 hours to get home! I tried to hire the Enterprise employee to drive us home, but he didn’t take me up on my offer. We only stopped for food and restroom breaks.
So again, not what you’d consider a relaxing trip to Florida, but you just have to roll with the punches. I think I’m actually looking forward to diagramming sentences right about now..



















Teaching financial skills

My daughter recently became old enough to open a savings account at a local bank, so today my husband took her to do so. The older boys also went. They already have established accounts, so they went to deposit part of their allowances and birthday monies.

My daughter was very excited to show me how much money she put into her account, and she wanted to know how she could get more money to add to that amount. We discussed chores and even inventing products to sell in the future. She’s also started collecting metal from food and drink products, so that she can eventually obtain money from the recycling center. Good for her having a business-type of mind and for wanting to save. I will have to watch her a bit though on this. She was at my girlfriend’s house recently and started to take (steal) my girlfriend’s soda can, so that she could take it home to add to her collection. I stopped her, of course, and we had to discuss stealing versus working towards a goal:) Sneaky…

Another area of focus today-correspondence and manners. I asked my son to write out his thank-you notes and address the envelopes for his recent birthday gifts that he received. Good way for him to practice writing, penmanship, and etiquette. He definitely needs help in the first two areas. Odds are we’ll focus on writing over the summer.

It’s 11:00-I’m tired tonight from a tough work-out. I really should think about going to bed early, but I probably won’t. Too much I want to think about. A colleague asked me tonight how much sleep I average a night. My guess is 6 hours, but it may be a little less than that. I’m just wired this way-always have been. I love sleep, but I love to think, also:)





The future

Time was shared today between academics and the beach. The temperature was so cold to me, but the kids still insisted on wearing their swimsuits. I am using our spring break time to teach in between other activities. With recent schedule changes such as traveling to Hawaii and prepping for Excelsior, I don’t need to take off several days from school. I guess my kids are used to my ways since they don’t complain too much.
My husband and I have been giving some serious thought lately on how we want the next several years to look for our kids and for us. We’ve talked about buying property for retirement to moving to another country to renting a Winnebago and touring the US. Our children are at prime ages to expose them to a wide range of experiences. Lots of unknowns for us right now, and we don’t presently have a clear direction on how to best proceed. Sometimes I really dislike the unknowns.







