Tag Archives: aging

Plastic surgery and science experiments

Today I went into the city to see a locally well-known plastic surgeon about my face. That’s sounds extreme, but he comes highly recommended. I didn’t actually see him. I saw his one of his nurses and aestheticians. I’m trying to educate myself on the best way to take care of my body as I age, and that includes my skin. Learned about some really good things like peels and abrasions-pricey though..
In the midst of that I met with some colleagues of mine to work on the chemistry classes for our homeschool cooperative. Took out many books from the library on experiments, and the boys had fun trying some of them out at home tonight-soap monsters was quite smelly.






Is homeschooling causing my age spots?

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So, I’m in my forties now, and apparently there’s a switch in your body that gets pushed when you enter this decade.  The button reads, “Everything will fall once activated”.  I mean, I’m seeing age spots, growths that are who knows what, eyelids catching when I turn my eyes a certain way, and pores that seem to be the size of craters on the moon.  My daughter told me the other day that I have holes in my skin.  I gasped..

So, I broke down and called a dermatologist today to have my skin evaluated for these lovely middle-age changes.  Am I vain?  Why, of course!  Here’s the skinny for me.  I’m more productive when I feel better about myself (at least that’s what I’m going to tell my husband so that he’ll give me his blessing  to buy some magical cream or something:)

Can homeschooling be causing all of these changes?  Well, the lack of sleep probably doesn’t help along with the stress, but I’ll just  have to live with the changes.  Maybe my kids will concoct some fountain of youth cream while they’re in their home studies.  Wouldn’t we make a fortune?