Tag Archives: boston

Exposure and energy

I let my kids watch a bit of the news today, off and on, to follow the developments in the Boston story. My oldest son was really fired up about the hunt for justice and said he wanted to be one of those guys who does that kind of a job. Oh, great, just what every mom wants to hear. Watching the news prompted some good discussions such as the validity of the news reports and what drives a person to commit a terrorist act. We spent most of the day in academics followed by our FLL meeting and a birthday party. I’m so fortunate to be around a group of moms at our club meeting who work tirelessly to see that their children’s education takes a high priority. So inspiring..
Spring is here, and I have a laundry list of activities that I want to do with my kids. Will blog that later. I also have business ideas running through my brain. For now, it’s in the wee hours of the morning, and I need to regroup for tomorrow and converse with my husband.
A side note-check out the math site, IXL. They have lots of tutorials and games for free that are really good. Calvert incorporates many of their videos with the Math in Focus books. Don’t sign up for IXL’s program as it’s not worth spending the money.
More tomorrow..










History in the making

I took some of the kids with me today to vote.  They were very excited and helped me push the buttons for the various candidates.  My daughter didn’t understand why Romney and President Obama weren’t there to greet us.  We watched the news tonight as we observed history unfolding.  Some people shown on tv were celebrating Obama’s victory while others were sobbing that he was re-elected.  So, we did this in the midst of academics and outside activities.  My second son gave a speech on pond animals in our home, and we discussed the various aspects of what an effective public speaker looks and sounds like.  Boy, do you ever have to be an eloquent speaker to be in public office these days. I’m so tired (again)..