Tag Archives: charity

Hunger in America

I found my attention being drawn recently to the hunger problem in our country.  Through the “Feeding America” website, I was able to connect with my state’s representative to discuss possible volunteer opportunities for my kids.  Unfortunately, the ages of my kids are too young to help out in the warehouses and such places, but I did learn more about what our local food banks are doing, who they are servicing, etc.  What really boggles my mind is that according to the gentlemen I connected with from Feeding America, 1 in 4 children in OUR country are going hungry every day.  OUR country.  America, the land of plenty, the land of endless opportunity.  And it’s not just associated with unemployment.  It’s bigger than that, and the problem affects all types of neighborhoods. So while I sit in my warm house and plan our next field trip or vacation excursion, some innocent child is starving.  I cannot comprehend this.  I asked the gentlemen if maybe I could teach reading to some of the local children they are serving, but there just seems to be so much red tape with such a task. I don’t know how to help here, but I certainly would like to.  I also want my own children to get involved with such a cause, to see what others may be going through, to try and find an answer to this massive problem. Does that bother you? It should. It should bother all of us.



Black Friday/Gray Thursday

Exercised this morning with my talented niece and sister. Afterwards, we took the kids to see “Wreck-It Ralph” at the theater. It’s a cute movie, although admittedly I slept through several parts of it.
Tonight, I’m out with my mother, sister, and niece to hit the holiday sales. Drinking caffeine as it appears it will be a long and eventful evening sure to bring some laughs. I do not do well with these scenarios. The madness overwhelms me, and I can’t process good deals from bad ones. I do much better in a small, boutique-type environment, but it’s all about being with family right now. I haven’t even started Christmas shopping. I’ll get serious about it soon and buy presents, but I’d much rather spend money on travel and experiences versus things. My kids, being kids, don’t really grasp that so we’ll see how it goes.






Seeing first-hand to make it become real

As an educator, I try to incorporate a hands-on experience with what we learn and see and read about.
We have been discussing the aftermath of the hurricane along with global warming and how that has and will continue to affect millions of lives.
Last night, my kids were able to see some of that.
We had dinner near Atlantic City with my cousin. He and his company, Alabama Power, drove a massive caravan up to our area to help the power restoration process. We toured the staging area which was quite impressive. With my military background, it reminded me of how our armed forces mobilize large units such as this to help. I believe my kids will remember tonight and in doing so I hope will aid them in making a positive impact on our society.





Boy Scout camp

Today began our week-long stent at Boy Scout camp. I’m volunteering while my crew enjoys participating in the various activities. It’s amazing what these little people cause you to do in your life! I’m more of a five-star hotel kind-of-a girl, but I actually had a great time enjoying being with the kids in nature. Watching them swim in the murky lake full of tadpoles and a snapping turtle was a bit nauseating, but they didn’t seem to mind. The weather was lovely so that always helps the atmosphere.








Garage doors and spring fever

Today was one of those days infused with interruptions in the school schedule. We had new garage doors put on the house so we had workers with us. Add to that having to drag everything out of the garage prior to their arrival. Then, cleaning, etc.
It was good though because the kids were given responsibilities in helping out and were encouraged not to complain and be thankful! We were still able to get some of our core subjects in. Truthfully, I’ve got spring fever, and they do too. I need to sit down tonight and see how to make what we’re studying a little more exciting. Maybe a field trip is needed soon. Going for coffee..


