Tag Archives: YMCA

Starting the day off with a flat tire

This is how my morning began…



So I’m sitting on the side of the road waiting for what sounds like an eighteen year old to come change my tire. No, I’m not going to attempt it..
While I wait, I’ve got my thoughts on the upcoming fall semester and studies both at home and in our homeschool cooperative. We are having to make some sort-of last minute changes to teacher positions in our co-op so I’m working on that. I was told during my years as a USAF flight doc that a key to airpower is flexibility. Goodness knows, it’s certainly wise to be flexible while homeschooling. Minimizes the stress level.
I hope my little helper comes soon to change my tire. I’m starving!

Boy Scout camp

Today began our week-long stent at Boy Scout camp. I’m volunteering while my crew enjoys participating in the various activities. It’s amazing what these little people cause you to do in your life! I’m more of a five-star hotel kind-of-a girl, but I actually had a great time enjoying being with the kids in nature. Watching them swim in the murky lake full of tadpoles and a snapping turtle was a bit nauseating, but they didn’t seem to mind. The weather was lovely so that always helps the atmosphere.








How do you spend your Friday night?

I’m meeting next week with my co-leaders to help lay out the curricula for next year’s homeschool cooperative. We’ll spend hours on this. It’s a lot of work, but it’s work that is very exciting. To see what the students will be exposed to in their studies is motivating for a teacher. Somebody asked me tonight what I do that keeps me up so late on a Friday night. Planning out our educational map is one of them.  How’s that for excitement?

