Tag Archives: Common core

NYT article on common core mess

Shared by a girlfriend..

Math, math, math, math, math, math, math-Did I mention math?

I sound like a duck: quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.

Math is on my brain and has been for the past couple of days. It’s interesting teaching math to my little guys. I’m having to relearn topics that I haven’t used in years. I’m currently making a list of math sites/apps that I like. There are so many. I’ll have my kids use these sites periodically during the day to aid in math proficiency (I hope). These will not replace one-on-one with me, however.
Once I get a decent list created, I’ll post it here.
Of note, I recently learned of a math site/tutorials called “Tabtor”. I cannot speak for the program itself, but it’s another site that may be of benefit to review. Looks to be for children in K-6.








Napping during the movie

This weekend is speeding by, as usual. I spent part of the morning on Friday making sure my oldest had finished homework for his afternoon robotics club. My husband then took the oldest two boys to the driving range for a couple of hours while I concentrated on academics with the youngest two children. How easy it felt to only have two children to teach! Afterwards, we regrouped for the evening: soccer, FLL, and a field trip for my Junior FLL. My night ended with taking my girlfriend out to eat for her birthday before hubby and I watched a late-night movie (thereby, “napping during the movie”. I believe I only saw about half of the movie, some magic theme with the face-book actor and the Cheers guy).
Today following morning soccer for the youngest, I took my oldest son to U of Penn’s campus, so that he and his teammates could participate in a robotics event. I LOVED walking around Penn’s campus with him. I’m a big fan of exposing them to the higher education environment at an early age. It helps them to see what they may be working towards. We talked about how hard students have to work to be accepted into an Ivy League school. Lots and lots of studying is required. That seemed to register to my son (maybe?). The evening ended with my daughter and I having a “girls night out” shopping for her wardrobe. It’s always enjoyable spending time with just one of the kids at a time.
Off to bed before Ground Hog day comes.




























Time for the uniform

Summer days are over for us. Home projects will no longer get my attention so quickly as my mind will be focused on academics and all that goes along with that. I will now be sporting my daily wear of yoga pants and old t-shirts.
This morning the kids and I drove my parents to the airport after they’d been with us for 2 fun and productive weeks. I spent the rest of the day prepping for tomorrow’s return of academics. Our “back to school” day if you will, but I really see us as studying at all hours of the day and night, not confined to those of an institutional setting.
I  wrote a system of sorts down on paper. It shows the basics being covered for each child every school day, but other subjects will be studied in weekly blocks like a unit study. For example, I’ll spend our first full week covering computer skills, art, and art history. The next week those subjects will change to history, geography, and vocabulary. The following week will be science, poetry, grammar, etc. I hope to begin Latin and beginner French once I feel at bit more at ease at covering our core studies. I’ve no idea how this will all work out teaching 4 different levels, but I’m hoping this tentative plan will give me something to work with.
Common core-Are you following what’s going on with this? You should because it’s affecting everyone, not just those in the public school sector. I actually called the College Board a few weeks ago and introduced myself as a homeschooler. I asked the question of how homeschoolers could have a voice or be represented in the College Board, since it appeared they had volunteers from the private sector involved. I was told that homeschoolers could not hold a volunteer position as the current by-laws are written. I also expressed concern as a homeschooler wondering if my children would be penalized on national exams if what I was teaching was not in line with the new common core standards. The representative from the board was actually a pleasure to talk with, and she said the board does follow the homeschooling movement. She also seemed intrigued by some of my questions, and I did ask her to keep me in mind should the opportunity arise where homeschoolers could have a voice in her organization. Actually, I have one of my girlfriends in mind to represent homeschoolers, so I’m hoping the board rep calls back:) Could be a win-win situation for both parties.
Off to bed as my vision is blurring from fatigue…much to learn…futures to shape…









