Tag Archives: diy

Circus music

Do you hear that music? I do a great deal because my mind constantly races with homeschooling and everything that goes along with that. The zooming thoughts in my head go something like this..
Alarm sounds at 6:45. I hit the snooze button to capture a few more minutes of sleep. Then, I sleepily pray over our day. Feet hit the floor. Dress, make coffee, check email, wake children. Chores and breakfast follow. Review Bible materials and timeline over breakfast along with Classical Conversarions songs on IPad app (math facts mostly). Begin the day with Pledge and singing of the National Anthem around the piano while I play the song. Academics formally begin. I rotate among all of the kids. Oldest son is learning to look over his daily schedule and attempt most of his work independently. “Read the directions carefully. Read the directions carefully. Read the directions carefully”, and I will still need to say it again. Math, grammar, composition, and spelling must still be done with me, so I will work those subjects in with him in between the other 3 kids’ academics. The other three kids also need my full attention for many things, but in between, they are given independent work of math drills, manipulatives, copywork, listening to phonograms, calendar, computer lessons and games, and independent reading. They also play with a lot of Legos. If I sit during the day, it’s to teach or look something up on the computer. My mind races all of the time. My thoughts for the day included considering hosting a foreign exchange student, researching science fairs, reading the Maker site, are our extracurricular choices the right ones, appreciating that our Raspberry Pi needs to be used, and recognizing the need to increase their math drill requirement. It just doesn’t stop, and I feel pressure for my kids to be able to compete for colleges and careers. The music gets very loud at times.
One new experience for my oldest today was that he began a six-weeks science course at the local public school. He will be studying a variety of topics including nature journaling, birds, pond ecology, tree life, and pollution. It’ll be a nice change from doing science with just mom, and it will provide him another opportunity to potentially make new friends.
Tonight, I had the pleasure of hanging out with some superstar homeschooling moms. We get together every few weeks to discuss anything from educational trends to curricula to just simply venting. Good stuff, especially since we enjoyed conversation over birthday cake.
1:30 a.m.-time for bed.
Now to reflect…I’m so thankful that I was able to compliment my daughter on how beautifully she read as we sat on the couch together. I’m so thankful that I was able to listen to my youngest son read to me while sitting together on the kitchen bench. I’m so thankful I was able to praise my son for doing such a great job with his math problems. I’m so thankful I was able to observe my son taking the reins on his academics. I’m so thankful for the priceless moments, because they come and go in a blink of an eye.








