Tag Archives: do it yourself


I have felt just awful today. My body is reacting to all of the dust and paint fumes combined with likely a viral cold, so I have all of the makings for a good time. My nose is mimicking a faucet, I’m sneezing every 1/2 hour it seems, and my eyes are so irritated that I just want to claw them. It’s getting a little better though since I found some children’s Allegra. I went through our adult medicines only to find Clarinex that was 10 years old, so I opted for the children’s Allegra instead. On top of those symptoms I’m dealing with that TMI womanly stuff which makes me feel so sick. I almost threw up from the pain this morning. Ugh.. But, no time to feel sorry for yourself. Push through the pain. I’ve got too many things staring at me, so I just bite the bullet and keep going.
I’ve been in the basement all day painting and cleaning. It’s unfinished and unfortunately will have to remain so because of the low ceilings and duct work. However, I’m trying hard to make it be as aesthetically pleasing as possible since I hope to be teaching down there. I need to send in a video to HGTV and see if I could coax them into decorating!
Tonight, I was ripping up old carpet remnants. I would cut up the pieces with a razor blade, and my daughter  would roll them up. Then I would tape them with duct tape. I have 2 other large carpet remnants to cut up tomorrow. If you’re looking to tone your arms, this is a good exercise! I wish I could make money somehow doing this stuff. I’m a pretty efficient worker, but this mommy stuff doesn’t pay well monetarily-ha!
Look how my black stairs turned out-fun..







I’ve got a bit of spring fever. Our weather was so beautiful today that it made me want to work on house projects outside. My personality is such that I hate when things are left unfinished or when they need to be addressed. (My husband will vouch for that). Because of being in my house all day I’m constantly seeing house projects that need attention. My home is my work place, so there’s no escaping.
The bee in my bonnet today was our garage. It was so dirty and messy as a result of a very long winter that we’ve had, so after studies today I went to work cleaning and organizing the garage. I ended around midnight after mopping the floor. Today, we only covered math, reading, and journaling along with a French lesson via Skype. My oldest son finished War of the Worlds on his IPad, and my second son is going through the series Third Grade Detectives. They spent a great deal of time outside because of the nice weather. Unfortunately, we found a dead adult bird on our deck, so we’re hoping he/she has a replacement for the nest of eggs:(
Off to bed soon…the tooth fairy is coming. Of course, my son will tell you that I’m the tooth fairy. I asked him what he thought she might bring, and he said “a hundred dollars”. I don’t ever remember that tooth fairy visiting me when I was growing up!









