Tag Archives: jon Stewart

Why do you homeschool?

It was organized chaos this weekend for us, so I’ve been sluggish on posting. Halloween festivities combined with normal extracurriculars kept us busy. Soccer, shopping, gymnastics, church, a choir performance, Halloween parties, and the local parade consumed the weekend. I ended up walking in the Halloween parade with my daughter’s team, so I was thankful I had worn comfortable shoes to the gym.
It’s interesting. At one of the parties today, two different mothers on 2 separate occasions who send their children to public school asked me why I choose to homeschool. That question was followed by others such as how do I know what to teach, how do I teach them all at one time, do I not like the public school system, will I homeschool through high school, and do they listen to me as their teacher? These are conversations I’ve had before with other people. I’ve become quite used to answering them. Here’s how I responded:
I choose to homeschool because it seems to be the right choice for our family, at least it has been in the past and would seem to be the same at present. I homeschool because the environment offers an individualized education for each child, and their studies can be adapted to what they need and respond to. They basically have a private tutor as they study. There are minimal distractions while they learn. They don’t have to worry about what they’re wearing or saying or doing, and they don’t have to worry about what someone else is wearing or saying or doing. It’s just them with their books while listening to classical music playing softly in the background. I don’t know what the future holds. I do have a goal of homeschooling through high school. I have seen other homeschooling families be successful through high school so I believe we could do it. I do, however, take it year by year and even day by day, at times. Life can be full of surprises.
I’m not sure I’d say I dislike the public school system, but it appears to be broken beyond repair. Most importantly, the system is inefficient. Public school teachers  and even those in the private sector have an enormous task of educating classrooms of children who have different learning styles. Children process things differently. They are on different areas of the learning curve. How can teachers maximize their time while dealing with all of the outside noise and distractions? Again, the system is inefficient, so valuable teaching time is lost on miscellaneous things that have little or no relevance to academics.
I talked about the different books and programs I use including Calvert. We talked about testing. As for the question of do they listen to me, heck yeah they do, because I demand that they do! They are under my instruction right now. I’ve been given the job of raising them, so defiance in the form of disobeying instruction would not go well for them, and they know it. We are entering our fifth year of homeschooling, so I guess I can assume that they appreciate that homeschooling is a major part of our lives. It is the norm for us. Do they give me attitude? Of course they do and frequently! But, in the end, I’m the boss, and the boss calls the shots. Remember that episode of the “Cosby Show” where Mr. Cosby says, “I brought you into this world, and I’ll take you out.”? 🙂
Well, that’s enough of that. The rooster will be crowing soon..














I’ve got a bit of spring fever. Our weather was so beautiful today that it made me want to work on house projects outside. My personality is such that I hate when things are left unfinished or when they need to be addressed. (My husband will vouch for that). Because of being in my house all day I’m constantly seeing house projects that need attention. My home is my work place, so there’s no escaping.
The bee in my bonnet today was our garage. It was so dirty and messy as a result of a very long winter that we’ve had, so after studies today I went to work cleaning and organizing the garage. I ended around midnight after mopping the floor. Today, we only covered math, reading, and journaling along with a French lesson via Skype. My oldest son finished War of the Worlds on his IPad, and my second son is going through the series Third Grade Detectives. They spent a great deal of time outside because of the nice weather. Unfortunately, we found a dead adult bird on our deck, so we’re hoping he/she has a replacement for the nest of eggs:(
Off to bed soon…the tooth fairy is coming. Of course, my son will tell you that I’m the tooth fairy. I asked him what he thought she might bring, and he said “a hundred dollars”. I don’t ever remember that tooth fairy visiting me when I was growing up!











Midnight with General Petraeus

Up late prepping for the upcoming week after spending around 5 hours today on academics and testing-should’ve been a day off for us, but I’m trying hard to keep us on a decent schedule so that we can enjoy our holidays. I really feel like I’m in a daily marathon with this homeschooling stuff. It’s like parenting for me-24/7 with minimal breaks.
I was side-tracked tonight after catching up on world news, most notably the happenings of Gen. Patraeus and his resignation. I was reading his bio on Wikipedia. They’ve already updated his history to include his affair. News travels fast. As a former flight surgeon in the USAF, I can tell you that one hates to see an officer, especially one of his extensive decoration, take a fall such as this. My children will read all about his career one day as a notable military figure for America, and they’ll be left with this memory. Good lesson on mistakes, I guess.




Lesson planning at 1 a.m.

I don’t know where the weekend goes. Presently, it’s in the wee hours of Monday morning. I’d hoped to be asleep by now, but I’m still getting ready for this week’s studies. Spending part of yesterday at Six Flags for my son’s birthday didn’t help the time crunch factor, but it was well worth it. Stopping to smell the roses with sweet friends is a must.
I’m trying a different approach to teaching 3 different grade levels at one time, so I’ll see if this method doesn’t make things go smoother in the juggling process. I really need to go work out downstairs since I feel like I ate my weight in fudge yesterday, but I still need to look over my fifth grader’s math for tomorrow.








Went to bed at 3:30 a.m. Got up at 7:00 a.m.

No, I didn’t have insomnia. I never do. I was up planning out what we were going to cover for the next couple of days and getting our supplies in place. I think I must be imitating Martha Stewart (minus the jail sentence). I have a vague memory of reading an article that she functions on little sleep and manages to run a successful company (At least, I think it still is?).
Now its 10:00 p.m. I just finished reading a history lesson to the kids and am going to go eat dinner-salmon out of a pouch. Don’t be jealous..


Researching curricula while on va-ca

I’ve spent the late evening hours researching and comparing curricula. I’ve mentioned before that I use Calvert’s material as my skeleton, but I tweak things here and there, add to, delete, etc trying to individualize each child’s studies. Just ordered many new books and had them sent to our realtor. Sounds like a fun vacation, right?
Actually, it is except for when my kids complain that I’m making them do schoolwork at the beach!




