Tag Archives: Europe

MIT-K12 website

Up late looking over website..


Great resource out there with lots of tutorials. My kids enjoyed watching a few of the videos today.


Making geography fun and tangible

Just got these geography puzzles in today from Rainbow Resource.  Hopefully, the kids will enjoy them.  Maybe I went a little overboard?


Obtaining passports at the post office

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We spent the afternoon going through the process to obtain passports for the kids. Has anyone else done this?

First of all, Wow!  It’s pricey and don’t forget your checkbook!

Secondly, is this system archaic or what?  I mean, in the tech world that we live in, surely there could be a better way to go about doing this.  I really felt sorry for the postman having to go through the laborious task of filing all  four passports for us.

My big dream is for us to do some traveling overseas during summer break.  We’ll see… I’m not really sure what I’m thinking.  We had a hard enough time keeping them occupied for an hour at the post office!