Tag Archives: free time

A benefit of homeschooling

Homeschooling is hard, exhausting, constant work, and I would never encourage anyone to homeschool if they really didn’t feel led to do it. That being said, there are many benefits to homeschooling. One benefit that I appreciated yesterday in our home studies was the ability to alter our schedule. My oldest son became so engrossed in a book that he didn’t want to put it down until he had finished the entire thing. I even put his lunch beside him so that he could keep reading. The only time he paused was to go to the bathroom. Seeing that his interest was peaked, I decided not to stick to my daily schedule of what I wanted to cover with him subject-wise and just let him keep reading. Now, I still have to cover what wasn’t taught during that time period. It’s not like his independent reading replaced what he needs to learn in various areas. Nevertheless, I was thankful that he had the opportunity to maximize what had his attention.





Good read by Cal Newport

I just downloaded this book.  Good read so far..insightful into the college admissions process.  Yes, I’m already thinking about this..
