Tag Archives: keratin

Packing up


The Excelsior students will have rehearsal in the morning for tomorrow night’s performance to friends and family.  We’ll also spend the morning decorating tables to display their yearly work.  Always a fun evening for both parents and students.  I’m hoping I have time tomorrow afternoon to work on the nails.  I think I have at least 8 different shades of nail polish on my fingers.  My daughter was painting my nails to try and decide on a color-looks lovely right now. I’ve packed up the Yukon with science experiment, math manipulatives, and white boards so we are ready to rock-n-roll in the morning.

Great dinner recipe if you cook like me and enjoy Mexican food.  Google “Mexican skillet” and you’ll find something similar to what I cooked tonight.  Super easy to make.  I used organic beef and beans.  The kids loved it-a rare compliment in my house.  Great for feeding large numbers, as well.  We ate it with tortilla chips and shredded cheddar cheese.

How do you spend your Friday night?

I’m meeting next week with my co-leaders to help lay out the curricula for next year’s homeschool cooperative. We’ll spend hours on this. It’s a lot of work, but it’s work that is very exciting. To see what the students will be exposed to in their studies is motivating for a teacher. Somebody asked me tonight what I do that keeps me up so late on a Friday night. Planning out our educational map is one of them.  How’s that for excitement?

