Tag Archives: Macy’s day parade


I’m always wondering how I’m doing as my kids’ primary teacher and how they are doing academically in this setting.
Recently, I administered the IOWA/CogAT exam to my oldest. While I don’t assume the exam is an all-knowing sort of thing, it does provide some nice feedback on areas of strengths and weaknesses. I was very nervous to open and see his results, knowing that it would be a direct reflection of my teaching skills. Thankfully, his results were of a positive nature. Had they not been, I might be crying as I write this now. There’s a great deal of pressure that comes with this job. If they do well, you can breathe a little easier, if only for a fleeting moment. Tomorrow still brings new challenges and hurdles.









Schooling on a Saturday night

Schooling on a Saturday night..sounds like some really bad country music song.
Yes, that’s what we did tonight after our daily activities were finished. Lots of my kids’ friends have had the last few days off from school for various reasons but not so for my kids. I taught all week, even today, and will likely tomorrow as well. The holidays are quickly approaching which I know from personal experience will throw major interruptions into our academic schedule. The breaks are welcomed by all of us, including me, but because of the breaks, we have to double or triple up on what we need to cover. If I only had one or even two kids to teach, it wouldn’t be quite the juggling act that I’m doing, but such is not the case.  Homeschooling is exhausting.
