Tag Archives: President Obama

Education summit in NYC


When I grow up, I want to be a park ranger.

Another day of vaca. What an interesting job to be a park ranger, although I don’t think I’d make a very good one. I’d probably get a group lost while hiking or something since I’m not really known for my navigational skills.
We are not early risers. I’m a night owl so likely, by default, my kids will be the same, and I’ve rubbed off on my hubby with this, too. The company that books the cruise that we took today called at 8 a.m. and woke me up in the process. I wish I could blame that on being in vacation mode, but really I just dislike the morning time. I would prefer to start the day around 10 which is what we did. We laughed when someone suggested we go see the first sunrise on top of Cadillac Mountain! Not going to happen..











President Obama still smoking cigarettes


I was talking to my kids the other day on  how addicting drugs can be to your system.

Isn’t nicotine such a powerful chemical?  What a hard habit to break for so many people.  Big businesses make tons of money while people die from their products.  Sorry, soap box as a physician:)

The Obama children’s education

It’s become a hobby of mine to look at what private and public schools offer in their curriculums.  I compare it to our home studies not out of fear, necessarily, but out of sheer interest.

Tonight I was looking at Sidwell Friends, the school where the Obama children attend.  Interesting to see what they cover.

(No matter what your take is on politics and political parties, one has to agree this is a beautiful picture.)
