Tag Archives: psy

Why do they want to dance at 11:00?

I was unusually tired today-lack of sleep and hormones, etc..I think I’ve got one eye closed while I type to you now. I was so tired tonight that after finishing grammar quizzes and first grade math reviews around 10:00 I just wanted the kids to go to bed. I didn’t want to read to them. I just wanted them to quietly go to bed. Instead, they got the giggles while I was in my daughter’s room and before I knew it, I had lost all control. The next thing I knew everyone was dancing around in their pajamas to the sounds of Psy and Mclamore (sp?) Help me… It took another 10 minutes to get them to unwind.
This week will be heavy on the math side. I’m trying to decide what program to go with for my oldest son for the next school year. Still favoring Singapore but there are other options-EPGY comes to mind so I’ll be researching over the summer-never really a break.
It’s midnight and the gas tank is empty..








