Tag Archives: ricin

Nerve gas

I was reading more about the recent horrific events that have happened in Syria. When I view these images of bodies, including children, piled on the floor, I immediately feel a sort-of slap in the face, almost like a wake-up call of sorts to me. How ridiculous it is that I find myself being completely immersed and self-centered about the events of our immediate family when you have people across the big pond dying an unfathomable death. It’s nauseating on so many levels. So, when I tell you that I had a good day of academics and activities with my children, I feel almost ashamed that our environment is how it is when I know that others are battling on an everyday basis an environment that I simply cannot comprehend. That doesn’t mean that I’m not grateful. Indeed, I am, but reading about the Syrian tragedy puts my world all into perspective. I want my children to somehow appreciate and acknowledge their bubble in hopes that in doing so will give them a desire to help others..
Well, now that I’m feeling a bit hollow, I must go clean a dirty kitchen and prep for tomorrow..









So many pieces

Likely the next couple of months will look something like this for me because we are in crunch mode with our academics. I want a summer break. We need a summer break. So, getting to an appropriate stopping point for all of us is paramount. I covered a variety of topics today: research paper on our state, decimals, fractions, phonics, weather, seasons, testing, metals, civil war, adjectives, 4-paragraph composition, poetry, creative writing, literature, vocabulary, cursive, spelling, art history, desaturation, and journaling. The kids also had their piano lessons in-house.

I wake up running, and I don’t stop until the early hours of the following morning. At this point, I’m thrilled to put on clean clothes including underwear because the laundry has once again multiplied. The afternoon was spent taxi driving and getting a work-out in. Love my gym classes-great release from the stress of juggling so much. Our outing also included snacks from McDonald’s and a library run. More academics were after dinner. I know I’ve got to revise how I manage our schedule next year because it’s feeling too pressured.

Off to retire soon. My oldest just watched a little of “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” as a reward for reading the series. I sat with him as we ate Oreos, and I went over some Jr FLL items. Marathon…..Hoping to get a date in with my husband this weekend.




Shark Tank-that was my idea!

Do you ever watch the show “Shark Tank”? This is one of the few TV shows that I watch because it gets me excited about turning my ideas into something more than just ideas. My kids watch the show with us, and we discuss the business models presented. I was watching a recorded episode tonight, and was saying that phrase of hey, that was my idea! Have you ever said that? You had a great invention and someone beat you to it. Well, I have many thoughts running around in my head, and I don’t know if anything will ever come of them except just being thoughts in my head. However, I do periodically sit down at the computer and type things out to see if I can move forward with my thinking. I also go through these ideas when I’m running, so maybe that’s why I enjoy exercising. It gets those thoughts churning. So, I’m up in the wee hours of the morning typing some things out on the I-Pad. This is after a full day of academics and activities and researching summer events. If I just didn’t have to sleep:)

Side note-if you are not familiar with the site “College Board” I encourage you to learn more about it. Tons of good info on there. You can register for free even though the site is set up for educational institutions.

