Tag Archives: Syria

Nauseating global issues

So, as I sit here at my computer, I’m reading through some of the more pressing global issues affecting our world, the Syrian civil war and refugee needs for starters. I should be sleeping because it’s 2 a.m., but I’m hoping to cover some of these disturbing worldly events with my oldest this year. He’s old enough now to process some of this. I’m blatantly reminded of the inhumanity affecting so many after reading some current articles. The You Tube videos are almost unbearable to watch.

Nerve gas

I was reading more about the recent horrific events that have happened in Syria. When I view these images of bodies, including children, piled on the floor, I immediately feel a sort-of slap in the face, almost like a wake-up call of sorts to me. How ridiculous it is that I find myself being completely immersed and self-centered about the events of our immediate family when you have people across the big pond dying an unfathomable death. It’s nauseating on so many levels. So, when I tell you that I had a good day of academics and activities with my children, I feel almost ashamed that our environment is how it is when I know that others are battling on an everyday basis an environment that I simply cannot comprehend. That doesn’t mean that I’m not grateful. Indeed, I am, but reading about the Syrian tragedy puts my world all into perspective. I want my children to somehow appreciate and acknowledge their bubble in hopes that in doing so will give them a desire to help others..
Well, now that I’m feeling a bit hollow, I must go clean a dirty kitchen and prep for tomorrow..









Okay, I guess..

Our first “back to school” day. It had an odd feel to it, since I was trying to find a rhythm for both the kids and myself. Here’s how we started..
I set my alarm for 6:00 but didn’t actually get up until 7, because I didn’t go to sleep until 2. The snooze button was hit several times (my husband hates when I do this). Once I was up, I woke the kids, and we spent the first few minutes of the morning doing chores. A quick breakfast followed. I used our breakfast time to cover Bible studies: Veritas Press timeline cards, copywork and memory work of Books of the Bible and Psalms recitation, and listening to Westminster catechisms. One of my goals for this school year is to begin our day with focusing on Biblical teaching through various forms. After breakfast was cleared, and the kids had recited the Pledge of Allegiance, we began our study of math. I spent most of the morning going between various children working with them on their individual lessons: numbers, place value, decimals, divisibility rules, factors, multiples, number bonds, skip counting, long division, etc. I worked with each child one-on-one for their lesson, and when they weren’t with me, I’d give them other things to do such as independent reading or additional math problems. Sometimes, they just had free time until it was their turn with me. We paused for lunch, and the other core subjects followed: spelling, composition, reading as well as art history and computer lessons. We were interrupted for the afternoon because of outside activities. I finished up the evening working with my first and second grader on reading and penmanship until they complained that they were too tired to keep going.
All in all I think I’m comfortable with how the day flowed. I know I need to be better prepared for what each child should be working on independently when they are not one-on-one with me. Today gave me a rough idea of where each child is and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Now, it’s just a matter of tweaking things to address those areas.
I really hope I’m doing an okay job of this. You experience a lot of doubt of yourself and your abilities on this road, but I’m still pressing forward and believing..























Future entrepreneur

I try to encourage my children to use their intelligence to invent something or create something. We discuss money and how to make a profit as they get older.
Today, my daughter got that bee in her bonnet, and decided she wanted to sell some of her toys in a yard sale. I just let her run with the idea for a while as she made price labels for the various items to be sold. For example, she wanted to sell one of her Barbies, so she put a price tag on the doll for $6.00. She eventually finished and told me that she was ready to have her yard sale. Uhhh.. I had to think how we could create the yard sale environment for her. I set up a card table at the bottom of the driveway, and she put her toys on the table. We put a sign on the table showing that each item was a dollar (or less if the customer only had change). She eventually became okay with the price point as I had to explain that her original prices would likely have been too high for the average drive-by customer. She also had water bottles and cans of Coke for sell. Well, she ended up only having one customer, a young college girl who paid her $2.00 for a can of Coke, and that was within the first 5 minutes of opening up shop. My daughter eventually grew weary of the selling environment, but she learned some valuable business skills in the process. Not too shabby for a 7 year old. Of course, I’m not sure if she enjoyed the creating and planning aspect or just the fact that she could make money by doing so.
More house projects for the adults today. We’ve gotten quite a bit accomplished with my parents in town, so I should be in good shape starting school this week.
















Enlisting the husband

My husband took the boys to the science museum today for one of their homeschool workshops. The classes are  pricey but of very good quality. It was so wonderful being able to work with just my daughter one-on-one with no interruptions (well, minus the contractors who hammered on the front doors for an hour). I was really able to cover a great deal of material with her, and we had some fun mommy-daughter moments while we were learning.
The boys finished up their soccer try-outs this evening, so we celebrated by eating cheeseburgers and spicy wings at a local pub. I love bar food.
Need sleep…



