Tag Archives: stereotype

I hate grocery shopping

I’m likely in the minority of homeschoolers on this one.

I don’t like to grocery shop.
I don’t like to cook.
I’m not good at either.

If you’re good in the kitchen, then you have a gift, and I’m in awe.  I wish I had your talent.

It’s not that I don’t try. I do. I buy organic this, and we eat raw that, chemical-free, blah blah. I follow recipes by the book.  I try to change recipes to make them better.  It doesn’t work for me.  About 50 percent of the time I burn things or overcook them. It’s time-consuming. I’d rather be hanging with the kids or hubby, doing yardwork, shopping, decorating, writing “Dr. Joy” or doing something else school-related.

I’m still wanting to clone myself or get a personal chef. We’ll see…


What does a homeschooler look like?

I was reading through some articles discussing the stereotypes of homeschoolers that still exist today. It’s amazing how a large part of the public pigeon-holes homeschoolers as having one look or one philosophy to guide their home environment.

The reality is there are many different reasons why people homeschool.  These beliefs in turn affect how they approach life with their kids, what they teach them, how they dress, where they live, what goals and aspirations the kids have from their environment, how they speak, what outside activities they do, and so forth.

Homeschoolers can be very different from each other.  I’d like to see the media pick up on that concept more.