Tag Archives: lunch

Woolly Aphids

We had our family birthday celebration today for my second son. The day began with presents and a rather large breakfast. Two of the presents my son received were a cooking/chef set and a cookbook. (There may be a hidden agenda in there for me:) The kids worked through their math problems before we left for the local park. The day was spent hiking trails in gorgeous fall weather instead of our regularly scheduled academic time normally spent indoors. Sometimes, we need to pause from the crunch to celebrate each other and enjoy nature. Along our walk, we saw many white insects perched on a leaf that resembled small cotton balls with tiny legs. They were moving and were quite unusual looking. My youngest son thought they might be alien babies from outer space. Luckily, a park ranger was walking by on our trail and gave a brief lecture to us on the insects. We learned they are called “woolly aphids”. A very cool insect to observe.

The evening will be spent taxi driving and kicking my rear to the gym-yah! Academics to follow..

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Just served myself dinner at 11:30 tonight-Honeycomb

I just forget to eat sometimes or it’s an afterthought. I like eating late at night with my husband because the kids are asleep, and we can have our own conversation and hear our own thoughts. I served myself Honeycomb cereal tonight. I love it and Frosted Mini-wheats!
Anybody watch the presidential debate tonight? Streaming now..


Eating salad on the kitchen floor

This is how I eat many of my meals. It’s kind of an afterthought on what I’m eating, and it’s usually done while teaching or reading or listening to something. We do eat as a family together, but its not really a quiet affair. It’s more we eat and talk and discuss what’s going on, or I’m reading poetry out loud or  TIME magazine as they sort through their spread of food.  And mealtime causes a bit of stress to me.  I don’t feel all that gifted in the kitchen.  Tonight, I cooked pancakes (thank goodness for pancakes!) only to find out that there was no syrup-what a tease!  Then, I scrambled some eggs and put them on the griddle because it was already hot.  Half of the eggs ran into the spill-over cup before I could cook them.  Yes, I know, not the best idea.  Of course, the kids all want to stand around me while I’m trying to concentrate on this event, and that causes me even more stress.  I just really need a live-in chef!
My house is, once again, a disaster. The laundry is in disarray, the kitchen is full of dirty dishes, and my wood floors are less than shiny. It will all have to wait because I’ll be up late again prepping for our youngsters’ chemistry class on molecules. Marshmallow models!










Have lunch with the girlfriends…

My schedule will be changing shortly because of formal schooling beginning again in our home. I will go to the evening gym classes instead of the morning ones. I won’t go to lunch with my girlfriends because I’ll be at home teaching. Could I keep doing these things during the school year? Yes, I could. You have unlimited possibilities when it comes to homeschooling, but very little trumps quality teaching time with my kids and that usually occurs during the daytime hours.



Renaissance Fair

Spent the day at the Renaissance Fair. This was our first time visiting such an event. The actors were very interesting to watch.










I hate grocery shopping

I’m likely in the minority of homeschoolers on this one.

I don’t like to grocery shop.
I don’t like to cook.
I’m not good at either.

If you’re good in the kitchen, then you have a gift, and I’m in awe.  I wish I had your talent.

It’s not that I don’t try. I do. I buy organic this, and we eat raw that, chemical-free, blah blah. I follow recipes by the book.  I try to change recipes to make them better.  It doesn’t work for me.  About 50 percent of the time I burn things or overcook them. It’s time-consuming. I’d rather be hanging with the kids or hubby, doing yardwork, shopping, decorating, writing “Dr. Joy” or doing something else school-related.

I’m still wanting to clone myself or get a personal chef. We’ll see…


Have a picnic on the floor if the counter is too messy

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It’s 8:00 at night, and we were just having dinner.

(I did clean up the kitchen later:)