Tag Archives: TED

Ken Robinson of TED on creativity

You know, when I listen to leaders such as Sir Robinson, I’m tempted to throw out all of our “school books”, pick a topic, and just sit down with my kids and Google. I’m not sure I have the balls to do that just yet. However, my new goal this week is to encourage my children to pick a topic or two or three on anything they find interesting or what we’ve talked about in our studies, and let them search more about those subjects. We do this periodically, but I’m thinking that periodically is not enough. The potential for their minds is so great, I don’t want to extinguish that. It’s 1:30 in the morning. I really need to go to bed.

Free thinkers-Wired magazine


“In 1970 the top three skills required by the Fortune 500 were the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic.

In 1999 the top three skills in demand were teamwork, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. We need schools that are developing these skills.”

Picture study at breakfast

It’s 1:00 a.m., and I just finished prepping for tomorrow. We started very late this morning after I let them sleep in. Sometimes it is good to just stop. After breakfast, we made a trip to the library to pick up some living math books and books on the Manhattan Project for a research paper. A bit more academics followed, then activities and errands. Sleep needs to occur….






What is “TED”?

Driving on the road for hours with your spouse and kids provides the right atmosphere to discuss many topics, some being very silly.

On the subject of entrepreneurship, check out “TED”, a non-profit with lots of videos posted by some very creative thinkers. There’s an app you can download as well. Might be good for older children to watch?

Tonight, dinner at Taco Bell..
Taco in a Doritos bag-now, there’s creative thinking..
And how about the spork? Brilliant.




