Tag Archives: Visible thinking

Mopping at midnight

I’m wrapping up the weekend and preparing for what I want to teach this week. It seems I never have enough time to finish everything. Time is such a commodity, and I wish I didn’t need to sleep. So, it’s midnight, and here I am mopping my wood floors. Still have my swimsuit cover-up on from lunchtime along with my dirty house shoes. I used to use a cleaning service when I was working full-time, but I just clean my house now since I’m home all day while enlisting the children’s help. I miss that cleaning service sometimes!
I emailed Harvard’s Graduate School of Education tonight. My cousin, who teaches for UNIS in Hanoi, emailed me about a program called “Visible Thinking” produced by Harvard. Looks interesting, but it appears to be set up for formal schools, not homeschoolers. So, I emailed Harvard asking if they offer any such program for homeschoolers. Of course, they will likely call me “crazy” and ignore my email, but I can live with that. You know my philosophy. What’s the worse that can happen? They tell me “no”. They might even tell me “yes”.
Off to prepare for the future!

