Daily Archives: June 22nd, 2012

Last day of school! Where’s my teacher’s gift?

What a lot of work this school year has been. I end hoping I did a good job teaching them and providing a stimulating atmosphere in which to learn.
We ended today with the kids showing their father what they studied. Doing so gives them a sense of closure and accomplishment.
Now, we begin summer break. Projects that have stared at me for the last ten months will be addressed. Traveling may occur. Nails can be painted. The wardrobe can be addressed! Spending quality time with friends will happen OR, maybe we’ll just sit around the pool and do nothing.  All in the Lord’s will..






The children’s flower garden

This week the kids and I began a flower garden just for them. They helped pick out the shrubs and flowers. They painted their own rocks to put in the bed. They added a flag and sculptures. Each day they are responsible for maintaining their garden by watering it and keeping the weeds out. I’d wanted to also try a small vegetable garden, but I opted out of that one. My fear is that the wild critters would simply eat anything we might be able to grow, so I felt like I was chancing that investment not to mention that’s probably more work for me instead of for them. We’ll just have to frequent the local farmer’s market.


Celebrate with sushi

Last night we celebrated the closing of another academic year with bff friends and sushi. I’m embarrassed to say I’m not a good operator of chopsticks. Today, my son and I will finish his first grade curriculum, and we can begin our summer break. My dilemma, if you will, is that it’s really hard to completely stop teaching. I’m already requiring my fourth grader to do his reading and math pages, and he just finished fourth grade. We will take some nice long breaks, though. I’ll use summer as a time for travel and to try new things.
