Tag Archives: quality

Last day of school! Where’s my teacher’s gift?

What a lot of work this school year has been. I end hoping I did a good job teaching them and providing a stimulating atmosphere in which to learn.
We ended today with the kids showing their father what they studied. Doing so gives them a sense of closure and accomplishment.
Now, we begin summer break. Projects that have stared at me for the last ten months will be addressed. Traveling may occur. Nails can be painted. The wardrobe can be addressed! Spending quality time with friends will happen OR, maybe we’ll just sit around the pool and do nothing.  All in the Lord’s will..






What incapacitates you?

I attended our church’s women’s retreat this weekend on the Jersey shore.  I was hoping for some quality sleep but that didn’t happen, partly my fault.  Women were asked to label a rock with some aspect of their lives that they wanted to let go of.  I was intrigued by how many responded with the word “fear”.  Fear was written on so many of the rocks.  My rock was labeled “our paths”, but really the underlying root of what I had written was fear.  Fear of the unknown,  fear of our children’s paths, fear of living in this world, fear of failure, and the list goes on.  That concept is something that I have to continually check myself on.  Isaiah 41:10 was referenced.

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