Eating salad on the kitchen floor

This is how I eat many of my meals. It’s kind of an afterthought on what I’m eating, and it’s usually done while teaching or reading or listening to something. We do eat as a family together, but its not really a quiet affair. It’s more we eat and talk and discuss what’s going on, or I’m reading poetry out loud or  TIME magazine as they sort through their spread of food.  And mealtime causes a bit of stress to me.  I don’t feel all that gifted in the kitchen.  Tonight, I cooked pancakes (thank goodness for pancakes!) only to find out that there was no syrup-what a tease!  Then, I scrambled some eggs and put them on the griddle because it was already hot.  Half of the eggs ran into the spill-over cup before I could cook them.  Yes, I know, not the best idea.  Of course, the kids all want to stand around me while I’m trying to concentrate on this event, and that causes me even more stress.  I just really need a live-in chef!
My house is, once again, a disaster. The laundry is in disarray, the kitchen is full of dirty dishes, and my wood floors are less than shiny. It will all have to wait because I’ll be up late again prepping for our youngsters’ chemistry class on molecules. Marshmallow models!










4 responses

  1. As you enjoy you dinner on the kitchen floor, I am enjoying Singapore noodles on my dining room floor (with a lovely red wine – 14 Hands – I recommend it !). Why the floor? There is a great breeze coming in through the dining room window and I can hear night animals running through the dark woods outside.
    I’m reading Andy’s essay on Hamlet and Nora’s comparative lit essay (comparing a Chinese short story to a Spanish short story). They really don’t like me marking up their documents, but it must be done. I love the bubbles in MS ‘track changes’. Ah, simple pleasures are the best!

  2. It is quite the prestigious life that we live-ha!
    Labereeland documentary-when does that show air? Love it..

  3. This has to be on of the most authentic blogs. A homeschool blogger that actually documents the chaos! Thanks for keeping it real! You can’t walk into any room in this house and not see clutter. Keeping up does seem impossible-always evaluating my priorities-clean the house, plan a lesson?? We did eat dinner at the table but it was leftovers with store bought french fries on the side. Oh well, no one complained.

    1. Yeah! Even better, left-over cold McDonald’s french fries.
      We should create a national homeschool holiday where all around the country homeschoolers eat their dinner on the dirty kitchen floors, throw food onto the already used paper plates, have books all around you and read poetry from Stevenson or the WSJ while creating a European salt map and drinking Ro’s brand of red wine.
      What date should we pick? How’s March 21st sound? Ha!

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