We looked like monkeys

Well, it’s been even more fun around here.  My daughter’s dermatologist found a dead louse on her scalp during the examination.  I almost came out of my skin!! I had no idea it was there as she’s had no signs of active infection (I purposely keep products on my kids’ hair to keep lice away).  Her dermatologist said she wouldn’t even bother treating her at which point I stopped her mid-sentence to say that I don’t do bugs, dead or alive.  I made a trip to Target and bought the necessary medicine. So, our academics have been completely interrupted by us looking like monkeys and inspecting each other’s scalps for lice!!  I’m disgusted as I write this. Anyway, everyone was clear of the pesky creatures, and I took the necessary protocol in our home to be doubly sure.  I’m sure our dermatologist was right, but I just couldn’t blow that off and feel comfortable.

So, now to regroup! My mind is on things like box cars, robotics, engineering, the 3 R’s, summer camps, travel, etc. We have our annual Friends and Family night at Excelsior so we’re busy prepping for that.  The kids have quite a bit of memory work to showcase next week, and this week is our last day of classses.  We’ll be reviewing, testing, playing games, making t-shirts, handing out prizes, and hopefully having fun!

I just started a new book on Inductive Bible Study by Kay Arthur-really looking forward to learning about her approach on study methods.  One of her first sentences in the book was on busyness gettting in the way of study.  I know that, but it’s always good to be reminded.  You have to slow down and listen to get it..


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