Daily Archives: August 19th, 2013

Home improvements

We arrived home early yesterday morning after driving through the night. Thankfully, traffic flowed smoothly. I slept for only about 5 hours after our arrival, because I had to be at the University of Pennsylvania to attend a coach’s workshop for our robotics club. Needless to say, I sipped heavy coffee on the drive in.
I spent the morning to include lunch at the workshop, and then spent some time in the afternoon visiting with one of my girlfriends who’s moving soon. Finally, after pausing back home, I put on my work clothes and worked in the yard with the kids trimming shrubs and pulling weeds. By the time midnight rolled around, I was moving furniture. I’ve put my dining room back together. It is no longer the schoolroom. Now, I’m setting up shop in the office with books and such. My plan is to have work stations in separate rooms, so the kids can have quiet environments to study in.
Today involved church and helping my husband with more house projects. My youngest child told me he did not want to wear the pants i had picked out, because they made him look like he had two butts. Help me…That was followed by a dinner for another girlfriend who is also moving:( a Walmart topped off my day-Uggh. An unpleasant but necessary adventure.
I’m moving much closer to getting everything on place to begin hard core academics. Being and staying organized is crucial in homeschooling. Purging at times is absolutely essential to a sane environment.
Off to work some more before the fatigues hit me..









