Daily Archives: August 22nd, 2013

Happy Birthday

The day was filled with moving furniture, decorating, cleaning, and my usual taxi driving to robotics camp, soccer, and gymnastics. The kids had an especially fun time today as my parents gave each one an allowance to spend on themselves at Target. My youngest son chose some Hot Wheels toy and seemed to love it. That was until we arrived home where he decided he no longer liked his gift. He wanted to return it for a different toy after he’d already opened it. Too bad, I explained. He was stuck with that toy. Unfortunately, that was not the answer he wanted to hear, so big crocodile tears and drama erupted until I put a stop to them.  We discussed life lessons: choose wisely and be thankful
More work tomorrow. I’m taking advantage of my parents’ many gifts:)
We will likely be traveling around the local area next week on various field trips. The time always goes too fast when they are here. Full-blown academics will follow after they leave, so I’d like to visit several bucket list items while they are in town so that they can enjoy them with us. We celebrated their birthdays this evening. Any excuse to eat ice cream cake!










