Middle age mindset

We had what I consider to be a 1/2 day of academics. I was a bit in slow motion with instruction. The younger guys had a few math lessons and quizzes. My oldest studied several subjects independently. The contractors were attaching the last few gutters onto our house. The weather was gorgeous outside, so we studied and played at the same time. I tried a yoga class at the gym this evening and didn’t realize how tight my muscles were until I started stretching. Decent workout, but I really enjoyed the quietness and stillness of the breathing and stretching. Made me want to join a monastery, no joke. I may get my kids involved in yoga. The class made me think about their fast-paced days, and I’m not so sure that’s the best thing. They need to be still sometimes just like we do.
Middle age mindset-yes, what does that mean? I was having a discussion with my oldest this evening. He was angry and upset about some things that had been said to him by friends. I listened and we discussed many topics concerning the situation. I thought about myself and the stage of life that I’m in called middle age after talking with him. I’ve found myself in my 40’s not really caring about certain things in life anymore like I would have when I was his age. After going through medical school, having four children, and now raising them while my body changes and reminds me of such, I just don’t care anymore if someone would have issues with me. You get somewhat comfortable in who you are as a person and don’t really fret about stuff that’s not relevant to your life. I see that same attitude in many middle-age mothers. I wish I could pass that insight onto my son, but he’s got his own growing pains to do. More to keep my middle-age finger on.
Off to prep…





4 responses

  1. Sometimes, I seriously feel we are living parallel lives. Last night, my oldest and I had a chat. He is working through some issues with some kids on his baseball team. I am able to let things roll off of my back, but my little guy (I guess not so little anymore) still wants the world to be a perfect and happy place.

    1. We may be!
      Yes, humans are social by perfect design, so finding those good friendships is important. For my oldest at present, it seems to be a combination of things he needs to work on personally along with finding things in common with other boys to build those friendships. Homeschooling can pose a great challenge to that goal. He does quite a bit of outside activities with public school kids who are already sharing other things in common. He is aware and can feel like an outsider, so we are trying to teach him life skills to adjust to such along with encouraging him to pray about things on his mind. We, parents, sometimes have to adjust the scenarios we put our kids into to provide those social outlets. Maybe we’ll have to do that in this situation, not sure, but regardless my kiddo has to learn how to adjust to situations and be able to handle himself. I don’t see it getting any easier:)
      Best, Joy

  2. Just the other day I was thinking how I’d love to go back in time and comfort my angst-filled teenage self not to take things so seriously. You said it well– they have to grow into a chill attitude and will arrive exactly on schedule: around middle age, just like us! 🙂

    1. Yes, and I wish I had my mother’s wisdom for middle age so I could know how to handle these upcoming teenage years! Always a new challenge.

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