Fashion Week

I learned that it’s fashion week this week in NYC. I love fashion but have no time to devote to the subject. My daily wardrobe consists of holy tees and old stretched-out yoga pants. My shopping at best consists of random 1-2 hours extracted from a crazy schedule. My purchases occur when I find something that actually fits my petite stature and is on sale. Sadly, that’s about all the time I’m able to spend on fashion. That’s why I buy quality, classic pieces. I don’t have to worry about trends fading, and the pieces last for years.
I share that with you because we were back in the city again tonight, so that’s why I know it’s fashion week. Otherwise, I’d have no clue. I don’t think anyone is showcasing a homeschooling mommy line. Maybe I’ll create such an animal one day and add in old house shoes of various dingy colors. Anyway, although brief we had great fun tonight being around clean lines, modern furniture, and fabulous people. I was glad time allowed me to read a bedtime story with the bottom three children after returning home.
Unfortunately, I can’t post pictures of my son out of respect for his employer, so the images below are just of me:( I’ll post his pictures if I’m given approval at some point. Someone mentioned the Olympics began today, but outside of NYC, I have no idea what’s going on in the world. Will be DVRing that for the kids.








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