Tag Archives: chores

Clearly, I’m doing a lousy job enforcing the chore charts.

It seems that if I take my thumb off of the pulse of household responsibilities if only for a short while, things just begin exploding: laundry, dishes, dirty toilets, mirrors covered in toothpaste, you name it. It’s exhausting..


Teach your child a handicraft

Charlotte Mason advocated the use of handicrafts in a child’s education. The handicraft could include anything from looming to chores to letter-making.
My sister-in-law taught my daughter how to make a beaded bracelet and necklace tonight.
Several elite private schools that I’ve researched incorporate such handicrafts into their curricula.



Hard work can pay off

The kids have been working hard around the homestead and being paid their allowance and then some for doing so. Today, they were treated to a trip to Wal-mart where they were allowed to spend a portion of their earnings on one item (not to include a video game). Prior to the Wal-mart run, we stopped by their local bank where they have savings accounts. They deposited part of their earnings into their accounts, and then had a smaller amount left over to spend on what they chose at the store. You would have thought it was Christmas for them. They were so excited, and each picked out an item that involved building something. It was fun to see them experience the concept that working hard can have its rewards.




Organizing the wardrobes at 1:00 a.m.

We spent the weekend swimming and grilling out with friends. I’m in the midst of creating a chore chart for each of our kids. Today, I taught the big boys how to make coffee. We started back with our daily reading and math practice. I will require those two things to be done over the summer, and that’s usually a daily occurrence. I also started on changing out their clothes and organizing their rooms a little better. Purging would be a better way to put it. Purging of the house is a necessity for sanity. Right now, it’s one a.m., and I’m pouring a cup of coffee. Probably should call it a night…









No academics, just chores

Today’s school time was mainly spent on chores. I hosted my sons’s Boy Scout troop at our house tonight, so we needed to get ready for that. They did some light reading and listened to Medieval history, but that was all. It’ll be back to routine tomorrow as we’re not finished with academics just yet.






Give them responsibilities

I’m continually reminded by others to employ my children to help out at home. So, today I did and had them pull weeds and clean. I’m not good at asking for help from anybody including my kids, but it really did work.


Seafood and such..

We enjoyed seafood dinner in Myrtle Beach before we took our babysitter to the airport. My daughter decided to take home all of the mussels and clam shells from the restaurant after we’d eaten the insides-oh yeah:(. Intermixed with that was put-put golf, chores around the house, and a trip to the computer store. As always, academics were integrated into the daily routine, va-ca or not.
Some topics covered: subtraction, volume, area, Joan of Arc, Lincoln, Fort McHenry, the Hundred Years War, and spelling with SWR.












Kids contributing to household chores, whether they want to or not

I’ve never created a “chores chart” for my kids.  A chores chart would be just something else I’d have to keep track of.  Also, part of me feels that they should assist in household chores simply because it’s a necessity for maintaining the home.  I’m a firm believer in teaching them that there are many things in life that you just have to do, whether you want to or not.

But…my one son is asking for the chores chart.  He’s wired in such a way that I know he’ll reap many benefits from using such a device.  So, I’m going to bite the bullet and create one for them. I honestly don’t see that we’ll be able to keep up with the duties every day that will be listed, but I’ll at least try it out.  Good read below..
