Tag Archives: hobby

Teach your child a handicraft

Charlotte Mason advocated the use of handicrafts in a child’s education. The handicraft could include anything from looming to chores to letter-making.
My sister-in-law taught my daughter how to make a beaded bracelet and necklace tonight.
Several elite private schools that I’ve researched incorporate such handicrafts into their curricula.



Dabbling with “Dr. Joy”

Up late working on my hobby. It’s not often that I write, and I’d like to devote more time to this interest of mine. Having more time seems to be my rate-limiting factor, but I’m working on it.
“Dr. Joy” is a character I’m developing in a book. Who knows if she will ever be anything more than random thoughts in my head. I really could benefit from participating in a writer’s workshop, but that won’t happen in my near future. So, I’ll have to just play on my own..
