Tag Archives: crocheting

Using videos instead of a tutor for teaching life skills

Tonight, I ordered 2 videos from the “Simply Charlotte Mason” website on teaching hand-sewing and beginner crocheting.

My second son loves to work with his hands.  He can sit still and very methodically work through instructions on a project.  He will also look at you with a funny expression should you try to go out of order in something.  Example:  He’s reading a series called “Third Grade Detectives” and is missing the number 3 book.  He refuses to simply skip that book and go on to book 4 while waiting for book 3 to come in from the library.  I’ve already told him he’ll likely make an excellent surgeon one day or something along those lines.

So, to offer him opportunities to hone in on areas that he might find enjoyable, I ordered a couple of handicraft videos.  Hopefully, they will be of good quality and help me to save that money I would have likely considered paying on a tutor or group lessons. I’d love to say that I already knew how to teach him these skills, but I was one of those girls in high school who thought that the Home Ec class was a waste of time. Boy, was I wrong!



Teach your child a handicraft

Charlotte Mason advocated the use of handicrafts in a child’s education. The handicraft could include anything from looming to chores to letter-making.
My sister-in-law taught my daughter how to make a beaded bracelet and necklace tonight.
Several elite private schools that I’ve researched incorporate such handicrafts into their curricula.

