Tag Archives: crossfit

Merry Christmas

My planned-out school day was completely interrupted by Halloween. I didn’t cover even close to what I had scheduled for us to study because the madness of trick-or-treating for us began around 3:00. Prior to that time, we needed to clean the house and find costumes. I also made a quick trip to the grocery store to buy party food to make a nice spread. I love party food. My husband took the younger kids to the local high school for a candy run. That was followed by hanging out at my girlfriend’s house for munchies before heading out for yet another candy run. Another girlfriend and her husband pulled a small trailer behind their SUV that overflowed with children. I ended up cutting our trick-or-treating time a bit shorter than usual. My husband was on call, so even though we were walking with friends, it was still a bit stressful for me trying to manage 4 kids running in different directions in the dark. We ended up coming back home to give out candy, watch Scooby Doo, and enjoy more of the party food. Good times, but we’re all exhausted.
So, Halloween is over, and I may start decorating for Christmas. I’ve already packed the Halloween decorations into their bins. Yes, I think I’ll just skip the Thanksgiving decor and go straight for Santa. Last year I remember feeling rushed to decorate. I hate that feeling. I don’t have much down time for extra-curriculars, so I may try to do a little bit here and there to avoid the anxiety. Crazy to even think about, really. We haven’t even covered our pool.
Off to sleep..I need to push math hard tomorrow.








Discovering the fountain of youth

I participated in the adult fitness class tonight at my kids’ sports training facility. The instructor made us do all kinds of crazy things like pulling ropes and racing against balls. About 1/2 way through the class I was wishing for it to be over! Boy, did I feel middle-age. It’s incredibly frustrating because in my mind I think that I’m in my 20’s but my body was reminding me that I’m not! Yes, I need one of these companies like FutureMed to discover the fountain of youth. Maybe my kids will invent some magic potion one day.
Oh, well. Makes for a good laugh.
Off to prep for tomorrow..




