Tag Archives: entrepreneur

Future entrepreneur

I try to encourage my children to use their intelligence to invent something or create something. We discuss money and how to make a profit as they get older.
Today, my daughter got that bee in her bonnet, and decided she wanted to sell some of her toys in a yard sale. I just let her run with the idea for a while as she made price labels for the various items to be sold. For example, she wanted to sell one of her Barbies, so she put a price tag on the doll for $6.00. She eventually finished and told me that she was ready to have her yard sale. Uhhh.. I had to think how we could create the yard sale environment for her. I set up a card table at the bottom of the driveway, and she put her toys on the table. We put a sign on the table showing that each item was a dollar (or less if the customer only had change). She eventually became okay with the price point as I had to explain that her original prices would likely have been too high for the average drive-by customer. She also had water bottles and cans of Coke for sell. Well, she ended up only having one customer, a young college girl who paid her $2.00 for a can of Coke, and that was within the first 5 minutes of opening up shop. My daughter eventually grew weary of the selling environment, but she learned some valuable business skills in the process. Not too shabby for a 7 year old. Of course, I’m not sure if she enjoyed the creating and planning aspect or just the fact that she could make money by doing so.
More house projects for the adults today. We’ve gotten quite a bit accomplished with my parents in town, so I should be in good shape starting school this week.
















Shark Tank-that was my idea!

Do you ever watch the show “Shark Tank”? This is one of the few TV shows that I watch because it gets me excited about turning my ideas into something more than just ideas. My kids watch the show with us, and we discuss the business models presented. I was watching a recorded episode tonight, and was saying that phrase of hey, that was my idea! Have you ever said that? You had a great invention and someone beat you to it. Well, I have many thoughts running around in my head, and I don’t know if anything will ever come of them except just being thoughts in my head. However, I do periodically sit down at the computer and type things out to see if I can move forward with my thinking. I also go through these ideas when I’m running, so maybe that’s why I enjoy exercising. It gets those thoughts churning. So, I’m up in the wee hours of the morning typing some things out on the I-Pad. This is after a full day of academics and activities and researching summer events. If I just didn’t have to sleep:)

Side note-if you are not familiar with the site “College Board” I encourage you to learn more about it. Tons of good info on there. You can register for free even though the site is set up for educational institutions.



Planning the future on I-95

Road trips are always amusing to me because I use the hours of the car ride to discuss crazy ideas in my head with my husband. He becomes a captive audience:) Of course, our car is full of audio books, library books, and school books. I think half of the trunk is just books. I would feel strange if we didn’t travel with our school materials. I was up until 2 this morning packing up the school room to go with us. This was after I’d spent over an hour at the library yesterday selecting literature for each child to read while we are vacationing. The local librarians know my face and are used to the volume of books that I check out on visits. I left yesterday from the library with 3 grocery bags full. Sometimes, I get the stares from the public like I’m a little over-the-top with that. They’re probably right.
So back to the road trip…Today, we’ve been discussing everything from retirement places to business ideas. My husband laughs quite a bit at me during these talks. I’m the dreamer, and he’s the practical one so we balance each other out. Now that we are entering a new phase in our lives, I’d love to see our family start a business where our children could have a big part in the running of the company. This is one example of the continuous racing thoughts in my mind. I pick up magazines like Forbes or PC World and off my brain goes. I don’t know if any of my “big ideas” will ever do anything other than be a passing thought, but maybe with enough hard work and dedication, one of them will come into existence. Road trip ramblings…





Coursera and others to revolutionize education as we know it

Many elite universities are jumping on board offering free online classes.  Corsera is one company providing a way for outsiders to attend classes at these prestigious universities without ever leaving the comfort of their home. Education should look very different in just a few years, maybe sooner.







20 under 20



Good stuff to watch..

I wonder if Peter Thiel could create the “40ish under 40” group as well. You know, the group for 40 year-old moms who have dreams, too but are pushing those temporarily aside to raise a family:)

Maybe he could fund my “Dr. Joy” idea? 🙂


What is “TED”?

Driving on the road for hours with your spouse and kids provides the right atmosphere to discuss many topics, some being very silly.

On the subject of entrepreneurship, check out “TED”, a non-profit with lots of videos posted by some very creative thinkers. There’s an app you can download as well. Might be good for older children to watch?

Tonight, dinner at Taco Bell..
Taco in a Doritos bag-now, there’s creative thinking..
And how about the spork? Brilliant.






Learning from previous generations to create future entrepreneurs
