Tag Archives: government shutdown


I let the kids sleep in a bit longer today. Sundays are so busy for us with late bedtimes, so I thought they could use the extra sleep. We finally began academics around 9:45 after breakfast burritos.
My son finished his math review for the assigned chapter, so his math test followed. One life skill I’m working with him on is “read the directions carefully and understand what you need to do.” So, in his test today I gave him partial credit for 2 of his problems because he only answered part A of each question. His mistake resulted in a B+ grade versus an A. He was highly upset about not making an A, but I didn’t change his grade. Now, of course, his grades only matter in our home. I’m not sending them off to someone, but I do keep track of grades because it motivates them to study harder and reach their goals. I’m hoping that missing his goal of scoring an A will help him to remember what he needs to do the next time. I don’t know. Hopefully, it doesn’t backfire on me.
I didn’t cover as much today academically with each child as I’d hope to do. You know that feeling where your brain seems to be running in slow motion, and you just can’t seem to get into that sweet rhythm with your teaching? I finally finished spelling with my second son and grammar with my oldest son around 10:00 tonight. My margarita started around 10:30:) Made it to the gym, though-yah!
Off to prep-It’s 1:30.










Blepharoplasty for homeschoolers

So many businesses these days offer homeschool discounts. How nice it would be if plastic surgeons would offer eye and face lifts at a discounted price for homeschoolers, really for any teacher. I was looking through some photos and noticing how tired I look around my eyes. Granted, I am actually tired, but I don’t think I feel as tired as I look. So, I could go for a blepharoplasty. I’ve never had Botox injections, although I know many people who have. I just can’t see myself having to keep up with the maintenance, and truthfully, I don’t need paralysis of my face. I need to have my skin stretched and the excess cut off. So, I’m thinking I’ll try to get a homeschooling discount from a plastic surgeon sometime. Maybe he would have some sympathy for me?-ha! Yes, it’s superficial, but I admittedly hope to do this one day.
Speaking of sympathy, I had a long, long day in the books with the kids. We started around 9 a.m. and ended around 10:30 tonight. There was a break this evening from 6:00-9:00, but math problems weren’t finished until after 10:00. During the break, my daughter and I went shopping for birthday happies for my son. We have the family celebration coming up, so I needed to buy a few things.
It’s bedtime now, but what I should do is go visit the elliptical. Maybe I’ll do a little pilates before retiring. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could lengthen your skin like you can lengthen your muscles? Middle age..












